The wind speed for this city will be displayed in kilometers per hour.
Click this to display the wind speed for the selected city in kilometers per hour.
The wind speed for this city will be displayed in meters per second.
Click this to display the wind speed for the selected city in meters per second.
The wind speed for this city will be displayed in knots.
Click this to display the wind speed for the selected city in knots.
The wind speed for this city will be displayed in miles per hour.
Click this to display the wind speed for the selected city in miles per hour.
Click this to stop displaying the minimum and maximum daily barometric pressures for the selected city.
Click this to display the minimum and maximum daily barometric pressures for the selected city.
Type the maximum barometric pressure value to display for the selected city here.
Type the minimum barometric pressure value to display for the selected city here.
The barometric pressure for this city will be displayed in kilopascals.
Click this to display the barometric pressure for the selected city in kilopascals.
The barometric pressure for this city will be displayed in millibars.
Click this to display the barometric pressure for the selected city in millibars.
The barometric pressure for this city will be displayed in millimeters of mercury.
Click this to display the barometric pressure for the selected city in millimeters of mercury.
The barometric pressure for this city will be displayed in inches of mercury.
Click this to display the barometric pressure for the selected city in inches of mercury.
Click this to stop displaying the wind chill or heat index for the selected city.
Click this to display the wind chill or heat index for the selected city.
Click this to stop displaying the dewpoint for the selected city.
Click this to display the dewpoint for the selected city.
Click this to stop displaying the minimum and maximum daily temperatures for the selected city.
Click this to display the minimum and maximum daily temperatures for the selected city.
Type the maximum temperature value to display for the selected city here.
Type the minimum temperature value to display for the selected city here.
The temperature for this city will be displayed in degrees Celsius.
Click this to display the temperature for the selected city in degrees Celsius.
The temperature for this city will be displayed in degrees Fahrenheit.
Click this to display the temperature for the selected city in degrees Fahrenheit.
Click this to stop saving hourly data for the selected city.
Click this to save hourly data for the selected city. Not available now because Get Weather is not on.
Click this to save hourly data for the selected city.
Click this to skip getting climate data for the selected city.
Click this to get climate data for the selected city. Not available now because Get Weather is not on or climate data are not supported for this city.
Click this to get climate data for the selected city.
Click this to skip getting marine forecasts for the selected city.
Click this to get marine forecasts for the selected city. Not available now because Get Weather is not on or marine forecasts are not supported for this city.
Click this to get marine forecasts for the selected city.
Click this to skip getting local forecasts for the selected city.
Click this to get local forecasts for the selected city. Not available now because Get Weather is not on or local forecasts are not supported for this city.
Click this to get local forecasts for the selected city.
Click this to skip getting weather for the selected city.
Click this to get weather information for the selected city.
Click this to select which type size to use for the city forecast windows.
Click this to select which type size to use for the status window.
Click this to select which font to use for the city forecast windows.
Click this to select which font to use for the status window.
Type the number of your SOCKS port here. Not available now because Use Socks is not on.
Type the number of your SOCKS port here. Contact your network administrator if you do not know.
Type the name of your SOCKS proxy server here. Not available now because Use Socks is not on.
Type the name of your SOCKS proxy server here. Contact your network administrator if you do not know.
Click this to turn off SOCKS proxy support.
Click this to use the SOCKS proxy if your site uses a firewall.
Type the name of the weather server here. is recommended.
Click this to select which city's preferences to change.
Click this to select which preferences to change.
Click this to restore your last saved settings for this panel.
Click this to load the default settings for this panel.
Click this to close the window without saving your preferences.
Click this to close the windows and save your preferences.